October 2020 Newsletter

Celebrating 1-year
As of October 1, I have been in business for a full calendar year. I feel so fortunate to have an amazing roster of clients and have recently signed a client for my first 6-month retainer. My business growth has been gradual and organic, just the way I like it.
Most of my clients are people I personally know. Or business owners who have come to me because of direct introductions. It feels amazing to be able to help friends and local community members. I think the quality of my clients has been a direct result of this organic growth. I genuinely like and enjoy working with the folks I’ve been designing for. With the challenging year that 2020 has been, I cannot say enough nice things about the patient, kind and understanding people I have been serving.
If you’re a client or current referral partner, THANK YOU! You are helping this creative business owner live the dream! If you ever hear about anyone who could benefit from a relationship with a local designer, please pass along my information. Your referrals and introductions (of nice people) mean the world to me!
With the holidays right around the corner, I have been participating recently in an Artisan Market on Thursdays at Brambly Park. I have handmade necklaces and colorful books for sale. There are usually 10-12 vendors in the market each week so it’s a perfect opportunity to take care of holiday shopping with local businesses who really benefit from your spending with them. I hope you’ll consider shopping with us on an upcoming Thursday. You can keep up with any markets where I’ll be vending through my Facebook or Instagram pages.
Even if you’re not in the market for a necklace or book, please consider purchasing with a local artist, maker or small business this holiday season. Many folks have had an extremely rough 2020 and even a small purchase could make a big difference in a local creator’s financial situation.
Pantone Trends Are Our For 2021
I am a huge fan of Pantone, the color specification and color trend research company. As a logo designer, I specify Pantone colors for my client’s brands using Pantone’s professional color books. Each fall they share the Spring/Summer Fashion Trends. One of the colors is chosen as the next year’s Color of the Year.
I shared this graphic on Facebook and my community voted by commenting with their picks. Based on my community’s picks, it’s looking like Illuminating is a local favorite for Color of the Year.
Networking + community
I recently presented website Tips and Trends to my virtual Small Business Owner networking group. It seemed to go over well. If you’re interested in grabbing a copy of the presentation, let me know by replying to this message and I’ll send it over.
Business update
With my current work load, I can accept new clients in early December. Know someone who needs help with graphic design or a website? Have them send me a note through my website.
Recent new clients
DroneWorxRVA, Maidstone Travel, Agriberry, Yeah, What She Said, Girls For A Change, Lee Savino
My COVID-19 Story
After giving blood this year in July and September, the Red Cross notified me that I have COVID-19 antibodies, after each donation. This means that I have been exposed to the virus at some point. It’s unclear the timeframe or how long antibodies can remain in your system. When I did a drive-through test in July at CVS, my COVID-19 result came back negative. I have never felt a symptom during this year, but could have been exposed or may have been an asymptomatic carrier.
New research suggests that people with type O blood may have a lower risk for getting COVID-19. I happen to have O+ blood. After my November donation, I will see if I still have active antibodies in my system. In any case, I still keep washing my hands and wearing all the masks.
Getting More Legit by the Day!

I applied for and received SWaM certification. My application was submitted in August and I got my official notice of certification in October. I plan on applying for government contract work as soon as next week.

I have been working through the class assignments and business planning that is part of my Entrepreneurial Training Program. This free class, offered in partnership with the Metropolitan Business League has been invaluable as I continue to grow and refine my business.
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to connect over a quick discovery call, please grab a spot on my calendar.