November 2021 Newsletter

Lots to be thankful for in November!

As the weather turns cooler, and things continue to ramp up this fall, these are a few things that went down in November:

  • I attended RebelleCon and loved every minute. I even created a spread in my bullet journal to capture some of the highlights. We also got treated to hair and makeup. (proof below)
  • Boundaries – I keep learning more about these and practicing calligraphy to write them out
  • Content planning – the end of the year is a great time for me to strategize and look ahead for what I need to do in business
  • I started rebranding an established CPA firm and a nonprofit I’m on the board of
  • My design contractor has been knocking out work for my clients
  • I am having great conversations almost weekly with prospects looking for help with some aspect of their marketing – whether it’s their visual brand, print materials or website
Journal image with collage and notes from the 2021 Rebelle Conference

How are my other goals and intentions going?

Exercising regularly – I did a 30-day challenge last month (besides four days Thanksgiving week) to avoid sweets and do 100 bike crunches a day. As usual, the 30-day format and group accountability helped a ton.

Competing in volleyball – We are closing out the season in volleyball and one of my teams is winning a lot. The other is not winning much at all. It is a great exercises in commitment to show up, keep playing hard and knowing that I can’t change the outcome all the time.

Continuing to build my community and network – My Thursday morning small business networking group is sunsetting. I will be starting a new Marketing Mastermind in January with like-minded business owners who do work adjacent to what I do. If you are in the marketing space and want to learn more details, reach out to me directly – – and put Marketing Mastermind in the subject line.

Reading more about business – I’m still reading Don’t Keep Your Day Job & Atomic Habits. Needless to say, I don’t have a habit of reading. It’s slow going.

Coaching and accountability – I mentioned a failure in business in my last newsletter. More on that below.

Looking ahead – events I’m attending

Richmond Curious – This event series is based out of my coworking space in Gather Arts. Our December 3 event will focus on Local Gift Options.

Richmond Night Market – I’ll be vending in the December 4 market on the Northside. Stop by to grab a book or necklace from me or shop with any of the amazing local vendors that will be in attendance.

Kim Brundage Photography, Headshot Party – I partner with the world-traveling Kim Brundage to serve as a wardrobe stylist and brand advisor during her headshot parties. Kim has a marketing background and has an impeccable eye for detail. I love working with her and tend to meet amazing entrepreneurs taking their businesses to the next level. If you need a headshot, grab a slot at the link above!

Carytown Artisan Market – This was a really fun and well-attended market for me last year. I did a ton of shopping for myself last year. This event will be held at City Stadium and will include lots of vendors of all types.

Failure. (in my business)

In February of this year, I worked on a new offer and pitched it to 6 of my clients. Two decided to move forward, and by September, both had backed out of the engagement. I wasn’t fired. They continued to work with me, but neither was able or willing to continue working in the parameters I had set out for us.

Technically, that offer was a failure.

What I learned from this failure:

  • what serves my clients and what does not
  • what indicators or business parameters need to be in place for an offer like that to work better
  • who is not a fit for the offer
  • how to pitch and sell, and have tough conversations
  • how to be flexible to meet my needs and my clients’ needs
  • how to make great money in the process of learning through a failure

I am working on more offers as I head into 2022. Some may work, some may not, but I’m eager to learn, even if things end up failing. 

Beacon update. (my word for 2021)

The first time I considered the word “beacon” to guide my business journey was in a coaching intake session in December 2020. My coach (who I had not yet hired at the time) reflected back to me what I was describing in that intake conversation. I shared my beliefs and values and what I wanted to in business.

Some of the details I shared with her:

  • I passionately believe creatives should get paid well for their skills
  • As a creative and sensitive person, I deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, even if I fuck up
  • I want to work in a business, with partners, contractors and clients who set and meet reasonable deadlines
  • Great creative work is not rushed
  • I want equal partnership with my clients and partners – nobody is talking down to, bullying or demeaning anybody else
  • Design and websites are never true emergencies and nobody is going to die because of a marketing issue

As I keep learning how to lean into these values and practice attraction model marketing for my business, I can see how I have cultivated a client, partner and contractor roster who aligns really well with how I work.

Ask Me Anything

As I continue to work on building my business, I don’t have the space in my calendar to do coffee chats and unpaid consulting. However, for the folks who are willing to invest in my time I am happy to share a bit more behind the curtain (I’ve invested a ton of time and money this year) in a 60-minute recorded session. Sessions are limited but there are a few still available as we close out the year.

Thanks for reading. If you’d like to connect over a quick discovery call, please grab a spot on my calendar.

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Jolinda Anderson, Owner, Shapes & Colors, graphic and web design agency in Richmond, VA
Shapes & Colors team, Maria Stone, Jolinda Anderson, Cierra Fountain