November 2020 Newsletter

What a year this month has been…
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to say thank you for being a part of my community. Whether we’re connected through design, website work, the creativity, marketing, networking or maker things – I appreciate you!
Your support and encouragement fill me up every day. My city, Richmond, VA, is filled with big-hearted, brave people who are working on things they love every day.
I am inspired by the startups, the second career founders, the nonprofit leaders and the folks laying the groundwork for a more just, equitable and inclusive world.
Election season was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. And now that there seems to be a certified result, and several companies working on a vaccine for COVID-19, I am personally feeling a slight wave of relief that there is a light at the end of what has felt like a long tunnel.
I am looking forward to a peaceful, restful and food-filled holiday week. I am going to be a part of a couple small gatherings and planning on some Zoom celebration times sprinkled throughout. Whether you’re sticking around home, celebrating in your bubble or traveling to be with family, I hope you have a safe and warm holiday with the people you love most.
Holiday Market Schedule
I am participating in the Virtual Richmond Night Market the weekend of December 5-6.
I am also participating in an in-person, socially distanced holiday maker market at Gather’s Midlothian location on December 12 from 10am to 2pm. Each vendor will be in a separate space and shoppers are able to sign up for shopping appointments to limit capacity. There should be a great lineup of vendors if you’d like to check things out in person.
You can keep up with any markets where I’ll be vending through my Facebook or Instagram pages.
Whether or not you buy anything from me, please consider purchasing with a local artist, maker or small business this holiday season. Many folks have had an extremely rough 2020 and even a small purchase could make a big difference in a local creator’s financial situation.
My Last CreativeMornings/Richmond Event for 2020
I hosted our last official event for 2020 on Friday, November 20 with our speaker, Hamilton Glass, who shared about the topic of Radical. The video will be live on our website in the next few weeks.
Hamilton is a talented Richmond muralist and artist whose work you’ve likely seen around town. His shop offers tons of great options to add colorful pieces to your collection.
Networking + community
I recently presented website Tips and Trends to my virtual Small Business Owner networking group. It seemed to go over well. If you’re interested in grabbing a copy of the presentation, let me know by replying to this message and I’ll send it over.
Business update
With my current work load, I can accept new clients in early December. Know someone who needs help with graphic design or a website? Have them send me a note through my website.
Recent new clients
DroneWorxRVA, Maidstone Travel, Agriberry, Yeah, What She Said, Girls For A Change, Lee Savino
My COVID-19 Story
After giving blood this year in July, September and November, the Red Cross notified me that I have COVID-19 antibodies, after each donation. This means that I have been exposed to the virus at some point. It’s unclear the timeframe or how long antibodies can remain in your system. When I did a drive-through test in July at CVS, my COVID-19 result came back negative. I have never felt a symptom during this year, but could have been exposed or may have been an asymptomatic carrier.
If you are able to donate blood, the Red Cross App is really simple to use. I’ve gotten into a regular rhythm this year because of how easy it is to schedule an appointment and use their rapid check-in system.
I continue to wear my mask and wash my hands. If you’re looking for some great local handmade masks, consider supporting Beego Handmade!
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to connect over a quick discovery call, please grab a spot on my calendar.