May 2020 Newsletter

2020 has been wild.
To be honest, May has been rough. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions on so many levels.
I applied for the PPP and EIDL for small business owners. I was denied the PPP because I haven’t been in business long enough. I just heard this week that I was approved for the EIDL.
Recent news: It’s obvious that Black men are not safe on the street and the news cycle is leaving me gutted. I hurt for every one of my friends who has to face racism on a daily basis. I hurt for all of the moms, partners, wives, girlfriends, cousins, friends who constantly worry about the Black men in their lives. If you haven’t dug a little more into the stories behind the headlines, I encourage you to take some time, especially as a White person, to listen and read and understand. It is something we have the privilege to ignore if we want because it doesn’t happen to us in the same way…but I implore you to learn. And believe Black people when they tell their stories of injustice. And then take action. Some great anti-racist resources are here.
Business update – April was a lower month overall, but steady
I feel very fortunate to still be able to work and pay my bills. I have two new client projects that came in and continuing work with previous clients. This month my business has been lower than the last few months and that worries me, but with the strength of the early months, for now I am ok.
I have a money check in each Friday so tracking my business numbers and reconciling my books is a great way to keep an eye on how things are going.
Giving Back
In May I accepted nominations for frontline workers. I received 8 nominations and send care packages to more folks in my network who I knew could use a care package. All in all, there will be a total of 16 folks getting a little gratitude in the mail.
The Outside is Opening Up Again
Many local businesses are re-opening or phasing back to business as usual. Please consider being more patient and more kind as everyone navigates how to get back to normal.

Recent events
My team and I hosted CreativeMornings/Richmond – Purpose in April
Check out the Video of Sheila Battle’s talk. She has amazing encouragement for us.
The CreativeMornings/Richmond team is hosting another virtual event on Friday, June 19 with the topic of Insecure with our speaker to be announced soon!

Need some creativity or color in your life?
DIY Journal Kits – $35
For $35, each person will get a pre-cut cover, 5 sets of interior papers in blank white (you can choose up to 5 colored papers for section markers), a wooden or paper spine, one color of waxed thread and a darning needle.
If you’ve never made one of these before and want to get my instruction, I’m offering 2 virtual sessions where I can walk you through all of the steps. Reply to this email with your name, address and preferred contact info to claim yours!
Virtual Richmond Night Market

I had more strands from my Spring ’20 Neon Collection at the May 9 Virtual Richmond Night Market experience.

Thanks for reading. If you’d like to connect over a Zoom virtual meeting, please reach out.
CreativeMornings/Richmond – Purpose
This digital event has no cap on attendance. You can still register!