May 2021 Newsletter

May had its challenges and celebrations
As I end the month of May, there are so many celebrations to acknowledge. I have consistently been working with clients I care about and respect. I am approaching 2 years in business later this year and my business continues to evolve to serve my clients better and to support a life I love.
Reflecting on this last month, I am mourning the sudden loss of a cousin who was close to my age. Losing a loved one is never easy, but this one hit really hard. Thankfully, my clients offered grace and support when I had to reschedule meetings and deliverables. Plus my business coach encouraged me to dedicate some weekly bereavement time to feel all of my feelings. I love that being a business owner puts me in control of caring for myself. I took time off and spent time with my family.
Later in May, I severely sprained my ankle while playing indoor volleyball. I was on crutches and then in a boot, which added time into my already packed day. Whenever I get sick or injured, I realize how much I take my health for granted and I appreciate each and every step taken in full function. Each week, as I have prioritized rest and rehab, I have been able to get back to almost normal function.
As my business continues to grow and evolve, and I have personal hiccups that affect my productivity, l am learning how to work, structure my day and how to communicate better with clients.
Other highlights:
- I was invited onto a podcast! I spoke with my business coach about Attraction Model Marketing, how I started my business and what I’ve been learning so far in our work together.
- I brought in a partner for one of my Marketing Retainer Clients.
- My Dad got his second COVID dose – and I was able to take time to go be with him in case he had any side effects. (Thankfully, he did not!)
- My shop less experiment is still going strong and my debt continues to get lower.
- I am fully licensed in the City of Richmond!
- I attended an AMA Richmond in person networking event and met friends for the first time in a long time!
Other goals:
Selling work I’m proud of. This recent client had this to say. Click the image to read the full story.
Coaching and accountability.
My coach Hailey Thomas of BrainSpace Optimized has been hosting weekly check-ins with clients and Mindset Summer Camp this past month for anyone. I have listened to the replays and they are so valuable. If you’re considering hiring a coach for your business, start listening in because there are lessons you can apply to your business now. I’m so excited to see what we work on together the rest of this year.
Since working together with Hailey in January, my profitability continues to improve in my business.
Website Show & Tell
- Cristy, the founder of a behavioral health services company, came to me after she decided to leave social media, an environment that was becoming distracting and toxic.
- She was tired of relying on free platforms to promote her business.
- She wanted to own her own corner of the internet with a branded website. I’m so proud of what we worked together to create!
- Cristy worked with her own photographer, I created the visual brand, and we co-wrote the website. I’m so excited to see how many more opportunities will arise to serve the people who need her services most!If you’d like to check out the live site, visit:
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to connect over a quick discovery call, please grab a spot on my calendar.