Changes, profitability and taxes, February 2021 newsletter

February changes
This month, I hosted my last CreativeMornings/Richmond event. You can see more about that announcement here.
I have raised my prices twice since the start of the year.
I am creating a new way to service my long-term clients.
I went back to the salon after cutting out that expense for a full year (new hair pic below).
I am attempting a shopping ban with my boyfriend, inspired by The Year of Less.
How are my other commitments going? Some of them are listed below with updates.
Exercising regularly
I’m at 4-6 days a week between my home workout and gym program.
Competing in volleyball
I tweaked my knee a few weeks back so I’m on break from indoor volleyball but playing sand once or twice a week.
Continuing to build my community and network
This is going strong! I love being a part of my Small Business Owner networking group, The Network Incubator, the Being Boss Community and Rebelle.
Reading more about business
My latest book selections are Start with Why and Fix This Next.
Selling work I’m proud of
Below are two recent client logos that I loved working on and my clients are over the moon. Both of these clients found me because of my connection to The Metropolitan Business League. If you’re a business owner in the City of Richmond, you will not find a more supportive business group to join.
Black History Month Features
Over on my Facebook Business page, I have been highlighting amazing Black folks I know in honor of Black History Month. We tend to hear about the achievements of people in past tense during Black History Month, and I know there are talented and amazing Black folks right now making history.
Some of the people featured are friends, clients, or professionals I work with and others are leaders in Richmond that have made a huge impact on me our our community. I hope you’ll scroll through and learn about some folks you hadn’t heard of and maybe find a new resource or two.

Vulnerable share as a business owner
- So far this calendar year, although my business continues to thrive, I am not profitable
- At the end of the year, and the start of this year, I made big investments in my business, I worked with a contractor to pump out extra work and payed taxes for big earnings at the end of 2020
- I am raising prices and narrowing my client engagements, and that scares me to think more people will say no
- I have an amazing coach who is walking me through these steps and I am hopeful that the graph inside my accounting software shows a positive trend soon

Thanks for reading. If you’d like to chat about an upcoming project, please fill out this form on my website to get started.